Tuesday, January 29, 2008

a message from ava rose

"mommy, aren't plants species too? Then we could have a Ava Rose speesees shirt, and a Basil speesees shirt and a little Clementine speesees shirt. Can you write the owner woman and ask if she will one day create {pronounced cwee-ate} plant clothes?"

Ava Rose - age 5

to which charity from speesees replied: "such an intelligent creature. let's invite her for tea!"

thanks, ava rose! coming up at speesees we will feature animal, plant and human speesees (like you)! we certainly love the idea of ava rose, basil & clementine speesees too. perhaps we should have a tea party soon...xo*


Blogger Jus said...

Bella says
"mmmmm mommy can we go to the Ocean for a tea party? you can bring quiche and baby salad"

Ava says
"Mommy if there is a tea party I will go and bring "petty flowers" {intended to be petits fours" } and I think I should wear the dress with the flying horse, so you have to order it before we get on an airplane"


5:40 AM  

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